
{ Visible Echo Photography | An Edmonton Videographer } . Meese Clothing .

. Meese Clothing . St.Albert . Summer 2010.

The Summer Collection at Meese Clothing in St.Albert.  {www.meeseclothing.com}
100% Canadian designs collected by Tressa Heckbert and Evan Sterling.

Directed, filmed and edited by Lillian Patz of Visible Echo {www.visibleecho.com}

. Meese Clothing . Summer 2010 . from Lillian Patz on Vimeo.


{ Visible Echo Photography | an Edmonton Photographer }

when assistant turns model.  the wonderful alex ekkelenkamp.  can dual as both.

{Visible Echo Photography | An Edmonton Commecial Photographer} . Sessa Wearables .

. Sessa Wearables . Spring/Summer 2010 .

The creations of Tressa Heckbert, of Sessa Wearables.
Sold at Meese Clothing in St. Albert {www.meeseclothing.com}

Directed, filmed and edited by Lillian Patz of Visible Echo Photography. {www.visibleecho.com}

Sessa Wearables . Spring/Summer 2010 from Lillian Patz on Vimeo.

cutback the movie

cutback the movie : still photography done by Lillian Patz of Visible Echo.
shot in mazatlan, mexico.

check it out...


two blogs

so here is what is going to happen.

i have decided to keep 2 blogs. so follow both or one, whichever you like.
this one. visibleecho.blogspot.com will be shoots i have done and new photos i feel like posting. and visibleecho.tumblr.com will be a photography account of life and other happenings around visible echo. mostly via iphone photos, and perhaps some other interesting tidbits. we will see how this all works, but it should offer some interesting visual material for you all!

until next time...
